Explore the fundamentals of phishing analysis in this comprehensive journey, covering the intricacies of email addresses, delivery mechanisms, headers, body content, and various types of phishing attacks.
Explore these concepts in a hands-on way with the resources available at TryHackMe - Phishing Analysis Fundamentals.
In Task 2, we explore the historical context of email. The invention of the email dates back to the 1970s, marking a significant milestone in communication technology.
Answer the question: 1970s
To comprehend the nuances of various email protocols, we refer to an article. The article highlights that secure IMAP employs port 993, insecure IMAP uses port 143, secure SMTP operates on port 465, and insecure SMTP utilizes ports 587. Similarly, secure POP3 is on port 995, and insecure POP3 employs port 110.
Article Link: https://help.dreamhost.com/hc/en-us/articles/215612887-Email-client-protocols-and-port-numbers
Insecure Transport for SMTP: Port 587
Insecure Transport for IMAP: Port 143
Before addressing Task 4 questions, it’s imperative to read the provided article on understanding email headers, available at Media Temple.
Also this Article to view email headers.
Return-Path The email address for return mail. This is the same as Reply-To:
Once the email sender’s IP address is found, you can search for it at http://www.arin.net/
Q1: Return-Path
Q2: http://www.arin.net/
Task 5 requires a careful examination.
Q1: In the above screenshots, what is the URI of the blocked image? Inspect the HTML code segment for the image URI.
Q2: Answer within the source code
In the attached virtual machine, view the information in email2.txt
and reconstruct the PDF using the base64 data. What is the text within the PDF?
Q3: Answer using CyberChef or Terminal
We can solve it using terminal or cyberchef.
Step 1: Take this and open terminal and write this command nano encode.txt
and Ctrl + Shift + c
to paste and Ctrl + x
to save.
Step 2: run this command to echo content file and use base64 decode then redirect output to file khafagy.pdf cat encode.txt | base64 -d > khafagy.pdf
Step 3: run this command to open pdf ` open khafagy.pdf `
Step 1: Paste content in cyberchef
Step 2: Drag and Drop From Base64
Step 3: Click on magic wand
Step 4: We found output PDF format, save it and open file
Upon analyzing the contents of email3.eml
, we discover relevant information in its headers. The following details are found:
Check any text encoded to decode using cyberchef.
Additionally, there is a base64-encoded string. Upon decoding, we find:
Noting !!
From header include =?UTF-8?B?VGhhbmsgeW91ISBIb21lIERlcG90?= <support@teckbe[.]com> may be base64.
Good output: Answer Q1
Also form this header answer Q2 => support@teckbe[.]com
Also subject contain ==
base64 Subject: =?UTF-8?B?T3JkZXIgUGxhY2VkIDogWW91ciBPcmRlciBJRCBPRDIzMjE2NTcwODkyOTEgUGxhY2VkIFN1Y2Nlc3NmdWxseQ==?=
Nice, Answer Q3
Q4: What is the URL link for - CLICK HERE? (Enter the defanged URL) Click Ctrl + f
to search in body => CLICK
Reminder: When dealing with hyperlinks and attachments, you need to be careful not to accidentally click on the hyperlink or the attachment. Upon decoding, we find answers to the following questions:
Hint There are repeat characters that you can remove from the URL. CyberChef can help you with this, along with defanging.
Q1: Home Depot
Q2: support@teckbe[.]com
Q3: Order Placed : Your Order ID OD2321657089291 Placed Successfully
Q4: hxxp[://]t[.]teckbe[.]com/p/?j3=EOo=wFacEwFHl6EOAyFcoUFVTVEchwFHlUFOo6lVTTDcATE7oUE7AUET==
With this, we conclude the phishing attack lab. Goodbye.